
Contact us with any problems and we’ll do our best to help you.

We know that finding the right band members is really hard. So we’ve tried to make MusoFinder easy to use.

The easiest way to find a musician to connect with is to use the search menu item. This allows you to position the map where you want and to select filters to narrow down the search (such as skills, genre, gender, etc). The search bar can be used to search for information that might be in the person’s description or influences.

We have included a social media element (Activity) to MusoFinder to help our members share pictures, YouTube videos. You can make friends with other members or just follow them if they are posting something interesting. You can use #hashtags in your posts and when you view posts that people have made on the site, the top ranking #hashtags will be displayed.

Finally there are menu on the right hand side of the page that allows you to update your profile or update your account. Note that in your profile you can disable the automatic emails we send you when somebody matches the skills you are looking for or who is looking for the skills you provide. Also, you can update your account (to change passwords or delete your account).

If you still can’t find what you need, please get in touch by emailing